Primary and Secondary School
St. Xavier's Collegiate School

After commencing my academic life at Union Chapel School (Calcutta); at the age of 3, I was transferred to St. Xavier’s Collegiate School to pursue Primary education. Operated by the Jesuit Fathers, St. Xavier’s Collegiate school is well renowned not only in Calcutta but all over India and include alumni like Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

In terms of technology, Xavier’s was way ahead of the other schools in India. When I was in the 5th standard, I had my first experience with computers. In Xavier’s we used to spend most of our spare time working, talking, chatting eating computers!! I still remember Mr. John Fernandes having to chase us out - ‘Gentlemen its Time!!’ :)

It was at Xavier’s that I developed the passion for computing. At the age of 12 I had my first computer at home. It was a BBC microcomputer compatible replicated by a local Indian company. Powered by a Rockwell 6502A a 2 Megahertz microprocessor [32 KB of RAM and 32 KB or ROM] it was considered to be the bleeding edge of technology. It was at Xavier’s that our passion and excitement inspired us to master the internal working of the computer. We mastered the internal architecture of the BBC, referred to Undergraduate books at the British Council Library to reverse engineer the operating system and understood the theory of algorithms. It was because of Xavier’s and the Xavierians I can now proudly say that I have been a part of the modern computing revolution since its very early days.

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John I C Gomes (C) Copyright 2005-2010

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